KinderMBa Teachers
Level 0p:
My first project (1-4 lessons)
Lessen 1
Lesson objectives
Lesson goal: motivate students to complete the module "My first project".
- team building
- individual challenges setting
- get to know the main rules and goals of the school

At the end of the lesson, students will:
- understand the importance of teamwork
- understand such concepts as team, project, problem
Teacher: Hello everyone. Let's dive into an exciting world of business. My name is your name. And you attended a course in a business school called KinderMBA. This is not an ordinary school, but a special one, because here you can learn how to become an entrepreneur. And who will tell me who an entrepreneur is? An entrepreneur is a person who has his/her own company, for example, a barber shop a a bakery, this person helps people to get fresh bread, and they pay him money for it. But what is the difference between having a bakery and selling bread? Who is an entrepreneur and who is a seller?
I will be teaching you a very interesting course called "My first Project". What do you think we will do in class? The teacher engages children in a dialogue. The children respond. What is a project? What examples of projects do you know?
Teacher: today we will collect the pieces for a puzzle and find out what is needed for a successful project. In order to get a piece of the puzzle, you will need to pass the test, young heroes. Are you ready?

It is important to come up with a ritual with children that shows that the lesson has begun, and which make them focused. We suggest the following option: Participants stand in a circle, holding hands. Teacher says that each of us came with a different mood, we all need to unite and tune in to the lesson mood. Teacher asks everyone to close their eyes and transmits the impulse (shake hands twice). The pulse received from the right or left must pass it to the next in the chain. The game is over when teacher receives the signal transmitted by him/her.

Teacher: We have tuned in to the lesson mood and now I propose to get acquainted.
Task 1
Goals: It is easier for children to feel their belonging to a group when they can use their tactual sense.This game helps children to remember each other's names and gives them the opportunity to introduce themselves to the group in the most unusual way.
Children like that the whole group repeats their gestures. As the game progresses, the desire to stand in the center of the circle and "capture" your movement in the group becomes stronger and stronger. For a few moments, each child becomes a leader. At the same time, children not only remember each other's names, but also get a great opportunity to improve their mood.
Instructions: Stand in one big circle. Now each of you will pronounce your name and at the same time make some movement - with your hands, feet, whole body. The whole group says the child's name in chorus and repeats the movement made by him. I'll start first. (After that, pass the move to your neighbor on the left or right).
Analysis of the exercise:
- Whose names were easy for you to remember?
- Whose movements did you like the most?
Task 2
Goals: During this game children get an opportunity to release their energy, and to unite in large groups. Step by step, the number of children interacting with each other increases until the whole group becomes one single machine. The game awakens positive emotions and faith in cohesion in children.
Instruction: Can you imagine a car made up of yourself? At the beginning of the game, everyone should be just a human-machine. Turn into little robots. Be an old model that moves slowly. Perhaps from time to time your mechanism does not function accurately enough, something gets stuck, then the "robot" stops and starts moving too slowly or, conversely, too fast...
Now split into pairs. Can you become a single washing machine together? How will you move? What do you do while pre-washing? How do you behave when rinsing?
Now gather in fours. Now you can choose which machine you will become. You can become the kind of machines that actually exist. And if you want, you can come up with a machine that does not exist at all. Get together and think about the following questions:
— What kind of machine do you want to make?
— What parts will it consist of?
— What part of the machine does each of you want to become?
— Should the machine make any sounds?
When you choose what kind of car you want to become, "run" it for a trial. And the other kids will have to guess what kind of machine you came up with. (5-10 minutes. Let all the teams take turns showing their machines.) And now you can all put together one common machine that will move and make sounds. Each of you will become a part of this machine. This time we don't need to know in advance why this machine exists. It must be some kind of fantastic device that has never existed before. The first of you can start building this miracle machine, and let the rest join as soon as they find a suitable place for themselves. Remember that all the components of the machine must be connected to each other.
Analysis of the exercise:
— Did you like this game?
- Which "machine" did you like the most?
— What do you like more - to be an independent machine or to be part of one big machine? It is important to emphasize that being part of one machine is like being part of one big team. We need to find out what a team for children is.
Teacher: what do you need to do to work as smoothly and cohesively as our car for the whole semester?
The teacher listens to the children's answers. Discusses the rules of teamwork. The main goal is to explain to children how to behave.
Basic rules:
- Belonging of each team member to the success of the team;
- Responsibility of each team member for the work of the team;
- The right of each team member to express their opinion;
- Argumentation of your point of view;
- Respect for each other;
- Maintaining a positive and working attitude when solving any tasks.
Teacher: Congratulations to you young heroes, you have successfully passed the first tests and found the first piece of the puzzle. One of the important parts of the project is the team. As a team, we can support each other, have more time, communicate, make friends, come up with interesting ideas.
Task 3
Teacher: In teamwork, it is very important to set goals, to understand what we want to reach. But before setting team goals, we each need to learn how to achieve personal goals.
Watch the video "Pig and cookies":
Questions for children:
1. Why is the pig so eager for the cookies? Why does he need them?
2. Are cookies a goal or a dream for a pig? Why? What is a goal?
3. What did the piglet do in order to get cookies?
It is important to tell the children that in the beginning a person has a desire. You can just sit, do nothing and just dream, or you can make a plan, think through the steps, understand what you want, set the time and what you need to do. That's when the dream turns into a goal.
Let's practice with you in setting goals. I suggest that each of you now think about what we really, really want and draw it. The teacher corrects the goals of the children, asks them what they need to achieve the goal, when they want it to be fulfilled. At the end, you can create a gallery of goals.
Teacher: I congratulate you young heroes, you have found another piece of a successful project – this is the goal. We need a goal to understand where we are going, what we want to achieve, why we have joined the teams.
Task 4
The teacher chooses one of several team education tools:
1. Atoms and molecules - for big groups. All the players randomly move around the classroom and depict some animals. Those playing on the team of the presenter will need to create groups, i.e. several players will need to grab each other. If the teacher says "Three!", it means that three participants should unite. The signal for the molecules to break up into separate atoms again is the command of teacher : "We continue to move." The last digit should be the number of people into which the groups should be divided.
2. The teacher prepares pieces of paper with numbers of the participants of each team in advance, so that all the children will get a number. For example, you know that there are 12 children in your group, you are going to split the group into 4 teams with 3 members, so you will prepare 12 cards: three cards for the team number 1, three cards for the team number 2, number 3 and 4. Then teacher asks the children to pull pieces of paper with numbers out a bag / hat.
This is the fastest of the team building tools, if the teacher is run out of time.
You and I know what a team is and what a goal is, it's time for us to join project teams and get the first task.
Children work in teams, come up with a team name, a motto. The teacher says that in order to work on the project, we need to get to know each other very well. At the presentation of the team, you need to tell about each other, what you love, what you do.
Task 5
Teacher: Look at the picture carefully. What's going on there? What children do in the picture? How do they behave? Who do you think is the leader?
And which fairy-tale heroes do you consider to be real leaders? Why? We need to ask each child. (Baloo; Little Mermaid; Superman; Batman).
And here is the next part of the puzzle - this is the leader. A leader gathers a team, makes sure that everyone works, follows the rules, leader is responsible for the final result. You can discuss with children how controversial issues could be resolved in the team – lots, voting, the leader chooses.
I see that you all are responsible, but you must learn to be responsible not only for yourself, but for the whole team as well. You will be responsible for the team's results and will make sure that each team member is involved into the team work. Don't worry, each of you will try the role of a leader several times. Each lesson you will have a different leader.
Take a rest for a couple of minutes
Task 6
Teacher: Guys, we learned what a team, a goal and a leader is, it's time to think about what our project will be about, what we will do. Let's remember what a project is.
A project is an action aimed at achieving a set goal. In other words, we set a goal or want to solve some problem, for example, to build a house or make a new cartoon, and perform actions, certain steps to achieve it. How can you call the preparation for the Olympic Games? A project. Is shooting a Spider-Man movie a project? If the children answer that any of the above is not a project, it is necessary to explain to them that there is a goal here (the process of the tournament organisation for Olympic Games or the shooting of a film have a certain goal, have a certain amount of people are involved, people search for the materials.
Teacher: Now work in your teams, find 2-3 examples of projects, explain why your examples are a project: which goal does this example have, what steps are needed to reach this goal.
Children give examples, the teacher comments.
Teacher: Let's imagine such a situation, you and the team decided to take part in the competition for the highest tower. But you have a problem, you got only a few sheets of paper. How will you solve the problem?
The teacher gives the children 20 sheets of paper, marks 5 minutes and asks them to find a solution. After the time has passed, the children present their towers, the teacher asks if the children liked building the tower, how they built it, who came up with the idea.
Teacher: you completed the task perfectly. I'm revealing to you the last piece of the puzzle of a successful project – it's a problem. A project is not just about drawing a picture. We start doing a project when we face some kind of difficult situation that is a problem.
Lesson 02
Topic 2. Who is an entrepreneur? Idea generation for the projects
Lesson objectives
Lesson objective: to generate ideas for the projects and build teams

Learning objectives:
- learn how to formulate a problem;
- generate ideas.
At the end of the lesson, students will:
- know who an entrepreneur is;
- be able to formulate a solution to a problem.

Main idea of the lesson:

1. An entrepreneur is a person who comes up with ways to make the world a better place. But this change should be necessary for people, they should be willing to pay for it (let's remember the topic about useful and useless goods). That is, an entrepreneur is an innovator, and he makes a profit.
2. An entrepreneur works not alone, but with a whole team – employees. One in the field is not a warrior. He must also take care of the employees. An entrepreneur has a great responsibility for the employees who work in his organization and must provide them with decent working conditions.
3. If the company is successful, you need to find someone to help. This is called corporate social responsibility. (Remember the bakery-you can sell pies at a big discount to pensioners and large families, and the unsold remainder, which can not be sold the next day, but today is quite edible, to distribute to the homeless).
Task 1. Greeting
Teacher: Hello guys! How was your week, what was the most interesting thing? (you need each child to answer, you can bring a toy to the lesson and pass it around).

Teacher: I am glad that your week was good and interesting, today we continue to work with you on our projects. Are you ready?

It is important to start each lesson with a ritual that shows that the lesson has begun, allows you to concentrate your attention, focus.
I suggest the following option: The participants stand in a circle, holding hands. Teacher says that each of us came with a different mood, we all need to unite and tune in to the lesson. The teacher asks everyone to close their eyes and transmits the impulse (shake hands twice). The pulse received from the right or left must pass it to the next one in the chain. The game is over when the teacher receives the signal transmitted by him/her.
Task 2. Introduction to the topic
Teacher: Guys, what do all these characters have in common? (the teacher listens to the answers, leading to the idea that they were all businessmen and entrepreneurs). Guys, do you know any real entrepreneurs? Who is an entrepreneur? What does an entrepreneur do? What for?

It is important to emphasize that an entrepreneur is a special profession, because an entrepreneur is someone who comes up with new products/services, but not just for nothing, but to solve the problem of other people and on this he earns money. And he also has a lot of responsibility, because his company has employees, he gives other people jobs, and he is also responsible for his product for society.
Today we will study the success stories of young entrepreneurs, imagine some guys are as old as you, and they already have their own profitable businesses! We will learn from them to come up with ideas for our projects.

(The structure of the lesson – the teacher tells about the child of an entrepreneur, focuses on the secret of his success, then we do a task for creativity, in the end, we come up with ideas for our own projects.)

Story 1 (We tell the story in clear words, we do not read anything, the entire text is given so that there is something to rely on during the story):
5-year-old Sebastian Martinez had an unusual passion: he collected bright and funny socks. The boy's mother once suggested that he come up with his own design of socks, and the lesson so captured Sebastian that a couple of months later he created a company for the production and sale of unusual socks called " Are You Kidding "(literally – "Are you kidding?"). The boy's mother became the president of the company, and his older brother Brandon helped with sales.
A year later, the young entrepreneur could boast of earning 15 thousand dollars. Soon, Sebastian became cramped within the business, and he became involved in charity: in the third year of its existence, the company "Are You Kidding" raised 3 thousand dollars for the American Cancer Society, and also transferred 25% of the proceeds from the sale of socks of special design to the charity organization Discovery Arts, which teaches various types of fine art to children with serious diseases.

Lifehack: Even the craziest hobby, such as funny socks, can become a successful business if you approach the business with the same enthusiasm as collecting such socks.
Task 3. Dots
Goals: This game clearly shows that our imagination can create absolutely amazing things from simple material. At the same time, this game is good preparation for such cases in which children need creativity.

Materials: Paper and pencil for each child.

Instructions: Take a piece of paper and put twenty dots on it, scattering them all over the sheet... (2 minutes.)

Now exchange the sheets with the child sitting next to you. Connect the dots with a line so that some image of a person, animal, or object appears. (5 minutes.)

At the end of the game, let each child show their drawing to the class. Everyone else can guess what is drawn on it.

History 2:
What child doesn't like toys! 5-year-old Evan loved them so much that he began using his dad to shoot amateur video reviews of the toys he liked and video instructions on how to assemble various Lego models. The boy's father uploaded videos to a specially created YouTube channel – EvanTube. Evan hardly expected that his channel would instantly "acquire" fans of the creator's artistic talents, but after 4 years, the young entrepreneur owned 3 channels on YouTube with a total number of subscribers of more than 2.8 million people and 1.9 billion views. The annual income of a charming child and an enterprising dad is estimated at about $ 1.3 million a year.

Lifehack: Don't believe that business takes time and fun takes an hour. Sometimes one even helps the other.
Task 4. Quick transformations
Goals: Here we use the method of creative movement, by which children will be able to get the opportunity to express their fantasies.

Materials: Recording of cheerful instrumental music.

Instructions: Now the music will sound, and you will start walking around the class. When the music stops, you should stop too. At this point, I'll tell you who you should portray... (Turn on the music and stop it after about one minute.)

Now you all have to turn into a monster. (Turn the music back on for 30

Now everyone is a robot. Stand in pairs and show each other that you are robots...
(Put the music back on for 30 seconds.)

Other transformations: a sad clown, a cheerful dancer, a tired
short-distance runner, a smiling mannequin, a boxer before a fight, a singer who
deserves applause, a successful entrepreneur.

History 3:
9-year-old Alina Morse had a dream: she would like to create such lollipops that would not spoil her teeth, but clean them! With the help of her father, Alina conducted many experiments and studied many useful books, as a result, Zollipops lollipops were born. Miracle lollipops contain sugar substitutes xylitol, erythritol, stevia, as well as several natural ingredients that help to cope with the acidic environment in the mouth, prevent the growth of bacteria – and prevent tooth decay. Lollipops are not only healthy, but also delicious, so they bring their creator from 70 thousand dollars annually. Now Alina wants her lollipops to be offered in dental hospitals and schools.

Lifehack: Learn, learn, and learn again! The more you know about the challenges and opportunities of your business, the better your chances of financial success.
Task 5. What is the problem?
Connect the arrows to the objects and what problem they solve. Then you can name the subject in the audience and also ask what problem it solves. In the end, we conclude that each object has its own function, its own meaning.

Our projects should not be just for fun, but to solve some problems.

Also for fixing, watch the video: CGI Animated Short Film "Soar" by Alyce Tzue | CGMeetup

We ask questions about the film:
What was the problem? How did you decide? What were the obstacles? What helped you find a solution?

History 4

When 11-year-old Ryan Kelly got a dog, he was happy. With his pocket money, the boy bought a dog treat for his pet – a bone, and was amazed at how unpleasant the treat smelled. Deciding not to poison the dog with chemicals, Ryan began to prepare the dog food and treats on his own, in the home kitchen - and not only for his pet but also for the neighbors. The boy knocked on the door and offered to buy his product. So the company "Ryan's Barkery" appeared. With the help of a children's business incubator, the young entrepreneur found an investor who agreed to invest 25 thousand dollars in the project. Since then, the business has grown steadily: dog treats are now sold in 400 supermarkets and pet stores across America, and sales exceed $ 120,000 annually.

Lifehack: Any product, service, or idea can be improved - and then make money on it.
Task 6. Paper Clips
GAME 23 (from 9 years old)

Goals: In this game, children can test their creativity and practice brainstorming. Their task is to come up with as many ideas as possible for using some familiar object.

Instructions: Put the children in a circle. I'd like you to figure out what you can do with a paper clip. For example, you can say:
— I could use a paper clip as a hair clip.
— I could use a paper clip to pierce a hole in the paper.
— I could use a paper clip as a toothpick, etc.

Each of you can make your own suggestion (we pass the ball around and each child offers their own version, the teacher writes it down on the board).

Analysis of the exercise:
— What was the most difficult for you?
— Did you easily find various opportunities?
— Did you periodically hear a small inner voice that said: "It's all nonsense!"
— When you come up with a good idea yourself: when you have everything you need, or when you are missing something?
— Can you imagine that you have become an inventor?

History 5
At the age of 11, Jasmine Lawrence decided to create her own hair care product simply because she did not find a suitable one among popular brands. The first invention of the girl was a composition based on jojoba oil, which soon became popular among all friends and acquaintances. At the age of 13, Jasmine founded the company EDEN BodyWorks, expanded the product line, and began to actively promote them. The girl learned about how to create hair cosmetics from books, articles on the Internet, and communication with sellers at hair product exhibitions. It took two years for the work to pay off, largely thanks to the competent promotion of the site, participation in the Oprah Winfrey Show, and sales from the shelves of the American retail chain Walmart. Thanks to the income from her business, Jasmine Lawrence was able to travel all over America, travel around the world, and pay for college. By the way, she is not studying business, but robotics.

Lifehack: Many people know that a new product should solve a common problem. But if you undertake to solve a problem that is close and understandable to you personally, you will not suffer from a lack of enthusiasm when faced (which is inevitable!) with difficulties.
Task 7. Business idea
Goal: To generate a project idea.

Teacher: Guys, now it's time for us to come up with what kind of project we will create. Today we got acquainted with the ideas of the guys. Do you want to also?

All the guys in our stories did what they liked. Let's start with that, too.

Exercise progress:
1. Ask the children to draw 3-4 things on the sheet that they can do.
2. Ask the children to compare their drawings and check the boxes that match those of 2-3 team members. Ask the children what common interests they have. Ask the children to vote and choose the 1 interest they like the most
3. Ask the team to describe the difficulties they face in this interest. Discuss what problems arise.
4. Ask the children to draw what they can think of to solve this problem.
5. Children present their idea in teams.

Note: In this exercise, the teacher needs to gather the interests of the children, and from the common interests, help the children come up with an interesting idea that can solve the problem.
Appendix 1

What students should be able to do after Lesson 1:
  • Know how to open a computer presentation;
  • Know how to create a slide;
  • Know how to choose a slide layout;
  • Know how to insert text into the presentation slide;
  • Know how to search for pictures on the Internet, how to save them;
  • Know how to insert a picture into a computer presentation;
  • Know how to delete a slide;
  • Know what tools are used in presentation design;
  • Know how to activate the required toolbar;
  • Know how to change the slide background;
  • Know how to move slides around;
  • Know how to start execution of a presentation;
  • Know how to save a presentation.

Appendix 2

Examples of project topics
  1. A problem: difficulty in learning a certain subject. The solution: board games with educational topics.
  2. A problem: a desire to stand out, to be different from everyone else. The solution: customized clothes, creating clothes with individual design.
  3. Solution: Environmental activities of collecting recyclable materials and creating durable products (problem: poor environmental condition).
  4. Designing of school clothing, stationery items under the brand names.
  5. Organization of thematic master classes (cooking, healthy food, creative masterclasses).
  6. Creation of magazines, books, photo books on the points of interest (photo books about pets, photo comic books, street sports magazine).
  7. Various services (things for rent, finding friends, readers' club).
  8. Sale of handicrafts, handmade products (knitted hats, postcards, things made of clay, slime, soap, cookies).
  9. Creating blogs, Internet video clips on hot topics (ecology, school subjects, scientific facts, culture, healthy nutrition).
Lesson 03
Topic 3 "Stages of project development"
Lesson objectives
Goal: to make a project plan.
- tell about the stages of the project;
- teach to divide the project into components.
At the end of the lesson, students will:
- be able to break down any activity into stages;
- know the stages of the project.
Task 1. Greeting
Teacher: Hello guys! How was your week, what was the most interesting thing? (it is necessary for each child to answer, you can bring a toy to the lesson and pass it around).
Teacher: I am glad that your week was good and interesting, today we continue to work with you on our projects. Are you ready?
It is important to start each lesson with a ritual that shows that the lesson has begun, makes your students focused on the lesson goals. We suggest the following option: Participants stand in a circle, holding hands. Teacher says that each of us came with a different mood, we all need to unite and tune in to the lesson and asks everyone to close their eyes and transmits the impulse (shake hands twice). The impulse received from the right or left must pass it to the next in the chain. The game is over when teacher receives the signal transmitted by him/her.
Teacher: Guys, now we have our workbook. It will help us to make our super projects. Let's get to know it.
The teacher with the children fills out page 7 in the student book - "my team" and page 15 "our idea". Everyone needs to be given a task to draw their own project idea.
Task 2. Introduction to the topic
We are watching a cartoon about a magic kitchen. Then we discuss what kind of project was created in that kitchen.
Teacher: guys, what was the main problem in the cartoon?
What solution did a fairy come up with?
What did she start doing?
What stages does the project have? (search for resources, distribution of tasks among people, project creation, implementation-opening a house)
Were there any difficulties on their way? How did they solve them?
Do you think your friends have successfully implemented their project?
Teacher: For the successful implementation of the project, it is necessary to break it into stages and draw up an implementation plan. Today we will be compiling it so that our projects will be as useful and successful as in the cartoon. First, we will practice identifying different stages in your projects.
Let's think about the stages of buying a chocolate bar, making a dress, making a movie, etc. So the teacher offers several examples, the children tell what stages there are.
Task 3. Building a playground
Resources: plasticine, tubes, threads (everything that can be used for creativity)
Teacher: Guys, let's build something useful together by teams, too. Let's create the playground of our dreams. The teacher hands out a piece of paper to the children and says that this is a field for a playground.
The teacher highlights the stages of construction with the children. We talk to each child about what he will do.
As a result, the children present their playground, telling what stages its creation consisted of.
Task 4. Creating a comic
Teacher: Guys, now we're going to create comics. Do you know what a comic is?
Comics are stories in pictures.
You and I will draw a comic book, how a house of ice was built in Africa.
Teacher: What do you think the construction will consist of? What do we need? What resources will be useful to us? What problems can arise? How can they be overcome? Great, and now let everyone draw a story in their notebook.
Then each child tells his story from the pictures to all the children.
Task 5. Stages of the project development
The teacher tells briefly about the stages of the project. Gives examples. what the guys and I will do at each stage. Then each child finds a picture of the told stage and glues it on a slide in a notebook. We discuss with each team what they will do and in what sequence.
Stages of project implementation:
1. Creating a sketch of a prototype of a product/service;
2. Highlighting the specific characteristics of the prototype. If we are talking about a product, then to
specific characteristics include its functionality (for example, a knife for cleaning tangerines allows you to clean tangerines and not get your hands dirty). If we are talking about a service, then specific specific characteristics peculiar to this service are highlighted (for example, when opening a beauty salon, it is necessary to make up an assortment of services provided, when opening a cinema, it is necessary to make up a repertoire, etc.);
3. Market research:
- Definition of the target audience. Identification of consumers and buyers of goods/services. Consumers and buyers may differ. For example, the consumers of children's toys are children, and the buyers are their parents.
- Conducting a survey. By conducting a survey, it is possible to find out whether consumers need this product (whether they face the described problem), what they expect from the product (functionality, assortment, repertoire, etc.) and how much they are willing to pay for it.
4. Analysis of the survey results (drawing up charts, graphs based on
the survey results);
5. Definition of project resources (what resources are needed to implement the project);
6. Cost calculation.

The pictures in the student book are selected for the following stages of the project:
  • Creating a sketch of a prototype of a product/service
  • Definition of the target audience.
  • Conducting a survey
  • Analysis of survey results (drawing up charts, graphs based on survey results)
  • Determination of project resources (what resources are needed to implement the project)
  • Cost calculation
Task 6. Drawings on the back
Goals: This is a peculiar and fascinating game that promotes the development of children's imagination and subtlety of perception. In addition, this game provides a certain level of physical and psychological intimacy between children. The group rallies, the children become cheerful. This exercise can serve as a good preparation for thematic classes that require children to have a certain intuition. When children master the game sufficiently, they will be able to use any images in it, including those related to educational material.
Instructions: The kids are standing \ sitting and looking at the back side of each other's heads.
Teacher: And now I'll explain to you what we're going to do. I will ask the students sitting close to me, come to me and I will whisper to you what you need to draw on your partners back. The partner has to guess what is drawn on his/her back, when you are sure about the drawing come to me and say quietly what it supposed to be. In the next round you switch sides. You can only use your index finger to draw.
Make sure that you don't draw too complicated, so your partner could guess what you wanted to express.

The most reliable options may be: circle, triangle, house, sun, moon or month, tree, flower or vase...
Analysis of the exercise:
— Was it easy for you to "see" the paintings with your back?
- Did your partner understand the paintings you painted well?
Task 7. Reflection with a ball of thread
1. I ask you to think and answer the question in one sentence:
- What did I learn today?
Then the child says thank you to someone and passes him a ball of thread.
2. The first participant receives a ball of thread, answers questions. He/she keeps the end of the rope and throws the ball to the person sitting in the circle with words of gratitude.
The relay race continues.
This is how the "web of connections" appears.
Teacher can end the training with a beautiful metaphor, saying that despite the fact that we are all different, everyone's role in the work of the team is priceless. We are all connected by invisible threads and it depends only on us how strong, useful and inspiring these connections will be.
Make a plan of your day in the form of a comic book, what stages does it consist of?
Lesson 04
Topic 4 "Target audience"
Lesson objectives
Goal: to determine the target audience of the project.
- tell about the target audience characteristics;
- show the differences between goods and services;
- learn how to identify the target audience.
At the end of the lesson, students will:
- be able to identify the target audience;
- know the difference between goods and services.
Task 1. Greeting
Teacher: Hello guys! How was your week, what was the most interesting thing? (it is necessary for each child to answer, you can bring a toy to the lesson and pass it around).
Teacher: I am glad that your week was good and interesting, today we continue to work with you on our projects. Are you ready?
It is important to start each lesson with a ritual that shows that the lesson has begun, makes your students focused on the lesson goals. We suggest the following option: Participants stand in a circle, holding hands. Teacher says that each of us came with a different mood, we all need to unite and tune in to the lesson and asks everyone to close their eyes and transmits the impulse (shake hands twice). The impulse received from the right or left must pass it to the next in the chain. The game is over when teacher receives the signal transmitted by him/her.
Task 2. Goods and services
Watch the video.
Teacher: Guys, do you think what the boy did is a project?
If so, why? (recall the definition of the project)
Teacher: The solution of the problem can be achieved by creating a certain product or service. In the video, we have seen both goods and services.
What do you think is a product? Is lemonade a product?
And the service? Riding a rocket?
Let's think about the difference between a product and a service. The children respond.
The teacher summarizes:
A product is a product that has a value and is distributed through exchange, purchase
and sale. All goods can be touched and weighed, they can be moved from place to place, stored and packed. In addition, goods are easily "separated" from the people who produce them. So, furniture, textbooks, scissors, jewelry, a video recorder, a computer are goods, because they all correspond to these characteristics.
So we all need to move around, relax and play sports. This is impossible without special people, in particular a doctor, teacher, driver or coach. If you have a toothache, you go to the doctor, and he/she quenches the pain. The teacher in the lesson gives you information on different branches of knowledge. This activity is good for you, it satisfies your needs. However, they are different from goods, they are called services. They cannot be touched, they are integral to the person who creates them. Services are economic goods that do not have a materialized form; they are provided to people who need them, in the form of a useful action or service.
Let's take a look at how we figured out the goods and services.
To do this, open our notebooks. We are going to walk around the city with our
Mike is a hero and we will help him find goods and services in the city. First, let's open the last page and cut out the yellow and red emojis. We will mark the services with red stickers, the goods with yellow ones.
Is your project a product or a service?
Task 3. Stories from the bag
Goals: Children willingly invent stories themselves. In this game, they will also be helped by items that they will find in the "magic bag". Children develop imagination, dexterity and the ability to think in a given direction.
Materials: A large rag bag in which some everyday item is prepared for each child.
Instructions: I brought you a big bag with a lot of different things in it. Each of you can put your hand in there once and get something...
Them find a partner and come up with a story that would involve both of your subjects. You have five minutes for this. After that, each couple will tell us their story.
When you repeat this game, you can ask the children not only to tell, but also to act out their story.
Another option can be offered to older children: groups of four people come up with stories with their subjects and show them in the style of improvisational theater.
Analysis of the exercise:
— Did you catch an interesting object from the "magic bag"?
- Did you enjoy telling a story?
— Whose story did you find wonderful?
Warm-up. The game "Cat -cat, what sour cream"
The cat (the leader) should be selected. He/she turns away from everyone.
- Cat, cat, what kind of sour cream is for lunch today? - everyone is shouting.
"Red," replies the cat.
Everyone runs to find this color, for example, on someone's clothes and touch it. The one who did not find anything red becomes a cat.
Task 4. Target audience
Teacher: What do you think, if we would sell a fur coat in Africa? Will people there buy it? No.
That's right, before we do anything, we need to find people who need our product. Those people are called the target audience. The target audience is those people who need our product, those who will buy it and use it. To describe the target audience is not just to say a man or a woman will buy your product, it is also a description of the place of residence, age, interests, income of the buyer.
The target audience is a group of people united by a set of common features,
having a need that this product or service satisfies. There may also
be cases when the consumer of the product and its buyer are different people. For example, consider a children's amusement park.
The consumers in this case are children, but their parents pay for it. Both belong to the target audience.
Teacher: Let's play a game with you. I will name the object, and you will tell its
target audience: a children's amusement park, a bicycle, a guitar, a hammer, a tractor, a stick, a Christmas tree, a book with fairy tales.
And now we will practice creating products for different target audiences. You have a drawing of a bag in your notebook, let's come up with a design that you and the children of your age would like. Children draw.
Teacher: And now let's think about what a bag should be that your mom would like. What kind of drawing would she like? How will it differ from yours? What will be the colors? Materials?
Task 5. We determine the target audience of our project
And now it's time to work on the target audience of our project. Open the student books on the slide. Let's draw our buyer. And now let's choose its main characteristics from the sticker sheet:
  • age
  • interests
  • place of residence
  • the main activity - a school student, a doctor...
The teacher discusses each characteristic with the children by asking a question. Each child glues the target audience characteristics in his/her student book.
Task 6. Hugs
Goals: This is a very exciting game for young students. It allows children to physically express their positive feelings, thereby contributing to the development of group cohesion in the classroom. This game helps shy children to communicate more closely with others.
Instructions: Please sit in one big circle. How many of you still remember what he did with his soft toys to express his good attitude towards them? That's right, you picked them up. I want you all to treat each other well and be friends with each other. Naturally, sometimes you can argue with each other, because when people are friendly, it's easier for them to bear grudges or disagreements. I want you to express your friendly feelings to the rest of the students by hugging them. Maybe there will be a day when one of you will not want to be hugged. Then let us know that you want to watch for now, but not participate in the game. Then everyone else will not touch you. I will start with a light, very small hug and I hope that you will help me turn this hug into a stronger and friendlier one. When the hug reaches you, any of you can add enthusiasm and friendliness to it so that we all make our good relationship even stronger.
For the teacher: Check if the child sitting next to you wants to participate in the exercise. You can see it by some nonverbal signs. But sometimes you can ask the child directly: "Would you like me to hug you?" Most children will answer you: "Yes." After that, start the first round of the game, gently and gently hugging the child sitting next to you. He/she, in turn, asks the neighbour if he/she wants to take part in the game, and if so, gives a hug.

Teacher: Analysis of the exercise:
— Did you like this game?
— Why is it good to hug other children?
Task 7. Results
Be sure to sum up the results with the children after each lesson. Ask the children:
"What did you like? What seemed difficult? What would you change? What would have been done differently? What have we learned today?
Teach your parents to identify the target audience, the product and service as well. Ask your mom which bag she likes.